November 1, 2024 ,Tokyo, Japan: MEDIROM Healthcare Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: MRM), announces the appointment of Issei Homan as Chief Technology Officer(CTO) of the group and Yasuhiro Hayami as Chief Business Officer (CBO) of its subsidiary, MEDIROM MOTHER Labs, Inc.

◾️Background of Management Structure Enhancement
The MEDIROM Group operates more than 300 wellness salons nationwide, centering on Re.Ra.Ku.
While the retail business has been the core of its operations, it will enter the IT/device business in earnest in 2020, transforming itself into a health tech company based on "real x IT."
Establishing a CTO and CBO strengthens the overall group structure centered on the health tech division MEDIROM MOTHER Labs, Inc.
We are pleased to announce the appointment of two experienced individuals who share the Medirom Group's corporate philosophy, culture, and vision.
We are committed to achieving further growth for the entire group.
◾️Introduction of CTO and CBO

Chief Technology Officer(CTO), Medilom Group
Issei Homan
May 2007 Establishes Aratana Inc. and assumes the position of Senior Managing Director
May 2015 Aratana Inc. becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Start Today Inc.
September 2018 Appointed Manager of Development Department of ZOZOUSED Inc.
Oct. 2019 Established Time Design LLC, CEO
Mar. 2024 Joined Medirom Shared Services Corporation CTO
I belive that six themes are important for people to lead rich lives: clothing, food, housing, learning, recreation, and health.
I want to accomplish something related to these themes through work or personal activities.
The last theme, "Ken (health)," is significant.
As in (clothing, food, shelter, housing, learning, and recreation) x (health), health is a multiplier, and zero health means zero results.
I was ignorant about health, so I was in a state of searching for what I should do,
I was excited by the Medirom Group's "healthcare revolution" and saw a future for myself.
The Medirom Group has spent more than 20 years focusing on the health prevention business, including relaxation, the MOTHER Bracelet, an intelligent tracker that does not require recharging, and the Lav, a health care application. We will continue to make new changes by taking a more aggressive stance toward the "Healthcare Revolution.
In the process of such changes, there are many opportunities to learn and grow from a technological perspective, and I believe it is a privilege to be an engineer to be involved at that time.
Technology makes the world more interesting! I would like to continue to push forward with the desire to "make the world more enjoyable through technology!

Chief Business Officer (CBO), MEDIROM MOTHER Labs, Inc.
Yasuhiro Hayami
1996 Established INIT Co., Ltd. and assumed the position of Representative Director
2004 Merged with the Internet division of transcosmos inc. by transferring business rights. Appointed Managing Executive Officer of transcosmos inc.
Served as head of sales for the Internet division, head of services, and deputy head of company-wide services, mainly expanding the Internet business. He has also served as a director of many subsidiaries of listed companies in Japan and abroad.
2014: Founded Wise, Inc. and assumed the position of Representative Director
Established Japan's first rehabilitation service not covered by insurance, “Cerebral Infarction Rehabilitation Center,” and expanded its facilities nationwide.
2024 Appointed Chairman of the Board of MEDIROM Rehab Solutions, Inc.
Serial entrepreneur in various industries including Kids Golf, Tanpac (muscle diner), Dumpling Library, Eagle Capital, Konichi Hello, etc. Appointed as director, board member, advisor, etc. for various corporations.
Upon graduating from university, I encountered the potential of the Internet and started a business from scratch in a 6-mat office. Blessed with many encounters and business partners, I transferred my company to Transcosmos 20 years ago and assumed the position simultaneously. After that, for 10 years as an executive at Transcosmos, I worked with my colleagues to expand the business from 1 billion to 30 billion scale, and in 2013, I ended my life in the Internet business.
In 2014, I felt the need for “self-funded rehabilitation,” which had never existed in the world. I launched the “Brain Infarction Rehabilitation Center” with the belief that “self-funded rehabilitation services will become the third option,” taking advantage of the fact that I did not know what was right and left and taking on the challenge of “going from nothing to the norm. This center has been blessed with many people and has 13 facilities nationwide, with approximately 7,000 people using its services.
We have now joined the MEDIROM Group together with the Brain Infarction Rehabilitation Center. I have been working on the MOTHER Bracelet, a smart tracker that does not require recharging. This is truly a fusion of IT and healthcare that I have cultivated up to now, and I have a strong desire to “spread this wonderful service further throughout the world.”
I am very much looking forward to becoming the CBO of MEDIROM MOTHER Labs, Inc. and expanding the service centered on the “MOTHER Bracelet” domestically and internationally.