Our relaxation salons invigorate people's health and wellbeing

MEDIROM Group's salons aim to provide a holistic health management
service that ensures a fatigue-free body and clear mind for life.
We support long term well being,
not just a short term,one-shot happiness patch.
MEDIROM Group's procedure involves a careful therpautic stretch that impvoves muscle tone, resiliency, and quality while also expanding the range of motion of joints and the fluidity ofsurrounding ligaments, tendons, and tissue.
Our therapists (care life planners) are technologically enabled, highly empathetic and genuine service providers who support customers in our salons and after their appointments through day-to-daycare health management tailored specifically for each customer.
Re.Ra.Ku - Medirom Group's popular salon brand - has received top-class quality awards with distinctions in faciliaties, therapist talent, contest wins, and broad customersatisfaction. This has further fortified our brand and driven the signficant increase in our store count to further accomodate and improve the well being of our customers.


Stretch beyond massage!Stretch beyond massage!

Stretch beyond massage!

No. 1 relaxation salon by number of stores in the the Kanto area, paritcularly Tokyo.
Re.Ra.Ku services reduce whole body fatigue especially around the tense regions of theneck, shoulders, and lower back. Our special stretch method called "Wing Stretch" helps elongate and ameliorate tension across the back, which eases pains and improves structural and postural health for the long term. 

Re.Ra.Ku official website

Re.Ra.Ku PRORe.Ra.Ku PRO

Re.Ra.Ku ProRe.Ra.Ku Pro

Running Station with relaxation services to help runners improve their performance

Re.Ra.Ku PRO official website

Bell EpocBell Epoc

Bell EpocBell Epoc

Relaxation salon that achieves the best balance between mind and body via original methods

Bell Epoc official website




In the franchise system of MEDIROM, franchise owners can select either of the following two plans: The management plan where owners are dedicated to management, or the management & treatment plan where owners manage the shop while serving customers.We provide generous support to the opening of shops and subsequent business success, which includes the introduction of properties, the dispatching of treatment staff, and fund-raising.